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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Study: Less Black Women in Post-Katrina New Orleans

Fewer Black women remained, returned or moved to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, according to a new report by the Institute for Women's Policy Research, reports the Louisiana Weekly. While Black women continue to be the largest group of women in New Orleans, the population [...]

November 3, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|

‘Mancession’ Continues Despite Gains

Mark Perry, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, points to possible sectoral shifts in the economy, and to the fact that women now outnumber men in college, as indications that future recessions will also be "mancessions." "If we are talking about this continuing [...]

November 3, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|

'Mancession' Continues Despite Gains

Mark Perry, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, points to possible sectoral shifts in the economy, and to the fact that women now outnumber men in college, as indications that future recessions will also be "mancessions." "If we are talking about this continuing [...]

November 3, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|