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William Lutz |

Paid Sick Day Access Rates by Gender and Race/Ethnicity, 2010

Access to Paid Sick Days by Race/Ethnicity/Gender Groups Note: Sample includes adults aged 18 and older working in the for-profit and non-profit private sector (excludes self-employed). Source: 2009 National Health Interview Survey, Person and Sample Adult File Access to Paid Sick Days by Gender, by [...]

March 15, 2011|Categories: Press Releases|

Paid Sick Leave Makes Sense

"I testified in support of paid sick days as a retired insurance company actuary and business executive. Paid sick days are an important health care benefit. They also make good business sense. The Institute for Women's Policy Research studies show that the gross costs will [...]

March 8, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

On 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day, 45 More Years Needed to Close Gender Wage Gap in the U.S.

New research from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) shows that it will take until 2056 for women and men’s earnings to reach pay parity—if the wage gap continues to close at the same pace it has for the last fifty years.

March 8, 2011|Categories: Press Releases|