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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Was the ‘Mancession’ Just a Mirage?

"Initially, it looked as if male workers were suffering more from the recession because men outnumber women in fields like construction, manufacturing, and other areas that retrenched at the recession's onset. Women, on the other hand, had jobs in industries such as teaching that, at [...]

July 19, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Was the 'Mancession' Just a Mirage?

"Initially, it looked as if male workers were suffering more from the recession because men outnumber women in fields like construction, manufacturing, and other areas that retrenched at the recession's onset. Women, on the other hand, had jobs in industries such as teaching that, at [...]

July 19, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Debt Deal May Be Unfair to Women

"In 2009, Social Security helped more than 14 million Americans 65 and older stay above the poverty line, according to research from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research . Without access to Social Security, 58 percent of women and 48 percent of men 75 and [...]

July 19, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Should you know your coworker’s salary?

"Sharing salary details has long been one of the great taboos in Corporate America, ranking even higher on the list of 'what not to do at work' than getting drunk at the company Christmas party or crying during your performance review. But for more and [...]

July 6, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|