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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Gender Gap Costs Women $443,360 Over 40 Years

"The results assume the earnings gap stays steady through the years. Although woman have made made significant strides at closing the difference, the gap actually widened last year. In 2012, women earned 80.9 cents per every dollar earned by men, compared to 82.2 cents the [...]

May 13, 2013|Categories: Press Hits|

Employers Not Filling Gap in Need for Paid Parental Leave in U.S.

This Mother’s Day, the United States is still behind all other high-income industrialized nations when it comes to providing paid leave to parents. And, according to a new analysis released today by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), employers are not filling the gap—despite many providing paid leave benefits beyond legal requirements.

May 9, 2013|Categories: Press Releases|

Labor Groups Renew Push for Paid Sick Leave

"T he unemployment rate in California at the time was 12% — and critics, which included the California Chamber of Commerce, said businesses could ill afford a law that would mandate paid sick leave. Such legislation, they warned, would close businesses and cost the state [...]

May 6, 2013|Categories: Press Hits|

IWPR Executive Director and Vice President Barbara Gault discussed Census Bureau report, “Who’s Minding the Kids.”

IWPR Executive Director and Vice President Barbara Gault talked about a Census Bureau report, “Who’s Minding the Kids,” which examined child care in the U.S. Among the topics they addressed were the cost of child care, non-parental care, kinds of child care arrangements, families in [...]

May 3, 2013|Categories: Press Hits|

Job Growth Improves for Women in April 2013

According to an analysis by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) of the May employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job growth for women improved in April compared to the previous month. Of the 165,000 total jobs added to nonfarm payrolls, women gained 117,000 jobs (71 percent) while men gained 48,000 jobs (29 percent).

May 3, 2013|Categories: Press Releases|