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William Lutz |

Stronger Job Growth in September Puts Men within Striking Distance of their Pre-Recession Employment Level

According to an Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the October employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), although the total number of jobs lost in the recession has been recovered (139,435,000 jobs in September 2014 vs. 138,350,000 jobs in December 2007 when the recession began), men are still short 142,000 jobs from the start of the recession. In September, men gained 147,000 jobs on nonfarm payrolls, while women gained 101,000 for an increase of 248,000 total jobs in September. The unemployment rate decreased to 5.9 percent in September from 6.1 percent in August.

October 3, 2014|Categories: Press Releases|

New Data Shows Little Progress in Closing the Gender Wage Gap while Policies that Could Address Pay Inequality Stall

A fact sheet by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) uses updated data released today by the U.S. Census Bureau to chart the gender earnings ratio since 1960 and analyzes changes in earnings during the last year by gender, race, and ethnicity. The gender wage ratio improved slightly from 76.5 percent in 2012 to 78.3 percent in 2013, which the Census Bureau reported was not statistically significant. Moreover, an IWPR analysis finds that, if current trends are projected forward, women will not receive equal pay until 2058. This date is unchanged from last year, further indicating stalled progress in closing the gender wage gap.

September 16, 2014|Categories: Press Releases|

Women Gained 2 Out of Every 3 Jobs Added in August; Men Still Short 350,000 Jobs from Pre-Recession Employment Levels

According to an Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the September employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), although the total number of jobs lost in the recession has been recovered (139,118,000 jobs in August 2014 vs 138,350,000 jobs in December 2007 when the recession began), men are still short 350,000 from the start of the recession.

September 5, 2014|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: |

Map: Where Working Women are Most Equal

The status of working women is strongest in the Northeast, the region home to many of the most-equal states by employment and earnings, according to a national analysis. Massachusetts had the highest score among states, according to the analysis of four factors conducted by the Institute [...]

September 4, 2014|Categories: Press Hits|

Men Outpacing Women in Job Gains

"Women also were dispro portionately affected by about 800,000 government job cuts from 2010 to 2013, and only a small portion of those have come back, says Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics. And while women have benefited from consistent growth in health care, [...]

September 4, 2014|Categories: Press Hits|