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William Lutz |

The Best and Worst States to Raise Kids

As a country, the United States is the only developed nation that doesn’t guarantee paid family leave or paid sick days , and it ranks toward the bottom for how much it spends on early childhood education. But things are even spottier at the state [...]

June 15, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|

The States Where Parents Spend the Most on Child Care

Beyond the diapers and sleepless nights, perhaps the biggest worry for parents with young kids is that almost no state in America provides affordable child care for those under 5. That's a conclusion reached in a new report Wednesday from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Annual payments in [...]

June 15, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|

The Best States for Women in America, in 11 Maps and Charts

Minnesota is the best state for women in America. That’s according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a nonprofit that on Wednesday published the final two reports in a sprawling seven-part series exploring how women are faring in the states. The “Status of Women in the States” series , an update on [...]

June 15, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|

“YUM” delivers self-empowerment on campus

For almost every student on campus, juggling classes and a part-time job may be a difficult task to undertake on a day-to-day basis. However, for Cal State L.A. students who are mothers, daily responsibilities do not stop with homework or a late night study session, [...]

June 15, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|