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Press Room

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William Lutz |

5 Ways That Black Women Suffered Due To Katrina

There have been countless Katrina stories about New Orleans describing it as a “tale of two cities,” one black and one white. This assumes that the experiences of black men and women during the disaster the same—not to mention those of the city’s Latino, Vietnamese, [...]

September 22, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|

Former Residents of New Orleans’s Demolished Housing Projects Tell Their Stories

[...] Barred from their pre-Katrina homes, where did the rest of those families go? A new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research attempts to find out. It argues that black women bore the brunt of this aspect of the disaster, since the vast [...]

September 22, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|

Are Women the New Face of Organized Labor?

Unionized labor represents an ever-smaller share of the American workforce, having fallen to 11.1% in 2014, down from 20.1% in 1983, according the U.S.  Labor Department . But as men’s union membership fallen steeply , women, and particularly women of color, have been the majority [...]

September 22, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|