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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Bloomberg Quick Take: Family Leave

The Reference Shelf A Bloomberg Businessweek op-ed makes the case that paid family leave is good for business. An Albany Business Review article examines the arguments made against it. An Atlantic  article on the paid family leave arms race in Silicon Valley. A survey by [...]

October 27, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|

Equal Pay Would Cut Poverty in Half for Colorado’s Working Women and Grow the State Economy

According to a new briefing paper, “The Economic Status of Women in Colorado,” released today by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) in partnership with the Women’s Foundation of Colorado, women in Colorado earn $10,000 per year less than their male counterparts, are 30 percent more likely to live in poverty, and are 65 percent less likely than men to own businesses.

October 27, 2015|Categories: Press Releases|

The Gender Pay Gap Is Getting Wider

The pay gap was actually shrinking in the second quarter of 2014, but "that was largely because male earnings were weak — declining in five quarters between 2010 and 2014 — and women mostly saw modest gains." The Institute for Women's Policy Research reports that women are "equal, if not [...]

October 21, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|