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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Equal Pay Would Cut Poverty for Working Women in the South by More than Half

A new report, released in advance of Super Tuesday, by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), finds that the gender wage gap costs women in the South $155.4 billion per year. Closing the wage gap would reduce relatively high poverty rate for working women in the southern United States by more than half. The Status of Women in the South is the first report to provide a comprehensive portrait of the status of women, particularly the status of women of color, in the southern states, grading each state on six different topic areas related to women’s economic, political, health, and social status.

February 25, 2016|Categories: Press Releases|

How being a woman can ding your credit score

There are a lot of reasons behind the pay gap. Some of the fields dominated by men, such as finance, tend to pay more. Women may be prone to spending more time out of the workforce than men to care for children and other family members. And some [...]

February 19, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

Salary Transparency Will Help Women

The most recent, and largest, state to take action is California, where the Fair Pay Act took effect on Jan. 1. There are good reasons to bolster protections for workers who talk about their pay with their co-workers. Many workers fear discussing pay at work [...]

February 19, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|