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William Lutz |

Here's one way for women to stay out of poverty

Extensive research has shown that women on average make less than men. But the reasons why and the path toward pay equity are much murkier. The study from the Washington-based nonprofit, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research outlines one possible route to at least putting [...]

March 24, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

The Whole World Still Needs Feminism

In many countries, women have made strides, but there’s a long way to go to equality. In the United States, according to the Institute for Women Policy Research , women’s earnings hover around 79 percent of men’s, women earn less in every field and entry [...]

March 24, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

Good and Growing Middle-Skill Jobs Exclude Women, New Report Shows

Women hold only a third of positions in growing middle-skill jobs that pay at least $35,000 or as much as $102,000 per year, according to a new report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR). These middle-skill jobs, which require a high school education but not a college degree, pay a living wage and can serve as a stepping stone to a higher-paying career for women workers, who now serve as the sole or co-breadwinner in half of American families.

March 24, 2016|Categories: Press Releases|

The Gender Wage Gap Just Got Bigger

The gender wage gap actually widened last year, according to a new analysis from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) based on weekly data for full-time workers. The ratio of median weekly earnings for women who work full time compared to men was 81.1 [...]

March 12, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|