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Press Room

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William Lutz |

The Man Card: An American Tradition Of Presidents Using Their Gender To Get Ahead

By Amanda Terkel GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump previewed his general election attacks against Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night, accusing the Democratic hopeful of playing up her gender in order to win. Although Trump thinks Clinton owes her success to her gender, perhaps a better [...]

April 29, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

The Verizon Strike

The Institute of Women's Policy Research's Research Associate, Julie Anderson , spoke on WBAI's Building Bridges radio show about pay discrimination and women in unions in regards to the CWA Verizon strike. "Women are almost half of the workforce. They are equal, if not the [...]

April 21, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

6 paid sick days for workers in L.A.? City Council says yes

By Emily Alpert Reyes Los Angeles workers would be able to earn at least six paid sick days annually — twice the state minimum — under a proposed law that the City Council backed Tuesday. Backers of the new law estimate that more than 650,000 L.A. [...]

April 21, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

It’s a retirement account, but for pregnancy

By Danielle Paquette Jeffrey Hayes, program director of job quality and income security at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research , questioned the effectiveness of IWF's proposal, saying more attention should be paid to young parents with the least financial security. Some work part time or for small [...]

April 20, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

It's a retirement account, but for pregnancy

By Danielle Paquette Jeffrey Hayes, program director of job quality and income security at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research , questioned the effectiveness of IWF's proposal, saying more attention should be paid to young parents with the least financial security. Some work part time or for small [...]

April 20, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

Men with mustaches outnumber women in med school leadership

By Leslie Mann "Women still do more than their share of housework and child care, so it's hard for them to go 'all in' at work," said Jessica Milli, study director at the Institute for Women's Policy Research. "They need flexible schedules to juggle family [...]

April 16, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|