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Press Room

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William Lutz |

How Cracked Is That Glass Ceiling, Really?

By Judith Warner Many women don’t get any formal encouragement whatsoever. “Never. Never. Never. Never. Never,” was Gillibrand’s reply when I asked if party rainmakers had ever approached her about running for office once she had made her interest clear. She’s not alone. In 2014, [...]

August 17, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

Even as Doctors, Women Get Slapped With the Pay Gap

By Amrith Ramkumar “If we can’t ameliorate these sex differences in compensation, we are going to have a much harder time trying to attract really qualified female physicians to go into specialties where we need them most,” Blumenthal said. A pay gap between men and [...]

July 21, 2016|Categories: Press Hits|

At the Current Rate, Women Inventors Will Not Reach Parity in Patenting Until 2092

Although women have more than quintupled their representation among patent holders since 1977, fewer than one in five of all patents had at least one woman inventor in 2010, according to a new briefing paper by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR). IWPR projects that at the current rate of progress, women inventors will not reach parity in patenting until 2092.

July 21, 2016|Categories: Press Releases|