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William Lutz |

This Map Shows When Female Workers in Each State Will Achieve Equal Pay

By Krutika Pathi Women in Florida may be the first in the U.S. to achieve paycheck parity in 2038, while those in Wyoming may be among the last to close the wage gap, not getting there until 2153. According to new research released today by [...]

March 22, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

In 13 U.S. States, a Woman Born Today Will Not See Equal Pay During Her Working Life

If current trends continue, women living in North Dakota, Utah, Louisiana, and Wyoming will not see equal pay until the next century Washington, DC—According to a new state analysis released today by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), there are 13 states where progress [...]

March 22, 2017|Categories: Press Releases|

Your Great Great Great Granddaughter Will Be Paid As Much As a Man

By Clover Hope But today, in 2017, an equal-pay future remains a distant reality, especially for women of color. According to new data from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, the wage gap is closing at a depressingly slow rate, in almost every job across the [...]

March 13, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Tesla’s Sexism Case Exposes This Overlooked Reason for the Gender Gap

By Heidi Hartmann Another day, another high-profile case of sexism at a major company. Late last month, former Tesla engineer AJ Vandermeyden spoke to The Guardian about a lawsuit she filed last year against the company, citing sexual harassment and pay discrimination. She still works [...]

March 13, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

The pay gap could vanish for all women — sometime in the 23rd century

By Jon Swartz and Charisse Jones The numbers are glaring: Women make up half the U.S. college-educated workforce but those with full-time jobs were on average paid 80 cents for every dollar earned by men in nearly every occupation for which there was sufficient earnings data in 2015, according [...]

March 13, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Baby boomers ruined America, according to this Generation X author

By Jillian Berman "Before the baby boomers came around, the so-called Greatest Generation came of age in a time of war and depression and learned firsthand the benefits of social solidarity and so they continued to invest in society throughout their lives, Gibney said. Younger [...]

March 12, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|