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William Lutz |

As Trump Ignores Pay Discrimination, California Democrats Aim to End It

By Nicole Knight “Look, we know if we don’t do anything and just keep the laws as they are, we’ll address the pay gap issue in probably 2043,” she said. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research estimates it’ll take until 2043 to close the wage gap in California, [...]

September 13, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

The Gender Pay Gap Narrowed in 2016. But Only by 2 Cents.

By Grace Donnelly The current rate of growth indicates that women won't pull even with men until 2059, according to analysis by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. The good news is that women's wages have returned to 2007 pre-recession levels. Though the last few years [...]

September 13, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Colleges Are Adding Luxe Perks To Lure Students. But Daycare? Too Expensive

By Torey Van Oot Services like these are the exception, not the rule, and even colleges with support systems for parents in place can’t keep up with the demand for care. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research found that 95% of institutions with child care options had [...]

September 13, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Plagued by scandal, for-profit colleges target single mothers

By Jillian Berman Student parents are often motivated to attend college out of a desire to create a better life for themselves and their families. But many single mothers in college may be at risk of spending a lot of money on their schooling with [...]

September 11, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Hurricanes like Irma increase risk for sexual assault

Jessica Firger Jane Henrici, a senior research affiliate with the Institute for Women's Policy Research says a closer look determined that disaster relief groups were not prepared to sufficiently respond to incidents of sexual violence during Katrina. Essentially, responding to individual crises such as rape [...]

September 11, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

The 20 highest-paid actors in the world include 2 Ryans, 2 Toms and only 3 women

By Kathleen Elkins On average, women earn less than men in nearly every single occupation out there. Acting is no exception. According to Forbes, between June 1, 2016 and June 1, 2017, the world's 10 highest-paid actresses made a combined $172.5 million. The 10 highest-paid actors earned more than [...]

September 7, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|