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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Missouri’s gender wage gap is one of the highest in the country

By Dallas Parker "The gender gap a lot of times can be caused by women coming in and out of the workforce. They leave or raise their families and then come back in and sometimes there's that gap," Batye said. Batye acknowledged the problem but didn't [...]

October 4, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Post-hurricane recovery efforts must include women’s voices | Opinion

By Heidi Hartmann, Ph.D. and Geanine Wester The people in cities and towns across Florida and the Caribbean (as well as those in Houston and the coastal areas) find themselves in the unenviable position that the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast found [...]

October 2, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Closing the gap: Luncheon speaker seeks equity for women in workforce

By Yolanda Putman Across the country, women earned 83 cents for every $1 earned by a man in 2015, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time employees. In Tennessee, women earned 82 cents for every dollar paid [...]

October 2, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Council unanimously votes to explore paid sick leave

By Kate Weidaw and Jacqulyn Powell Austin City Council voted unanimously late Thursday night to develop a policy for private employers to offer paid sick leave to their workers. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, about one out of every three workers in [...]

October 2, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Gender Gap Persists in Parental Leave

By Martin Berman-Gorvine The EEOC says it’s OK for employers to offer women in pregnancy and childbirth more leave for medical reasons, she said. Parental leave should be offered “in an equitable fashion across the genders,” while allowing for the medical aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, [...]

September 29, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Tech pays some of the highest salaries in the US—there’s just one problem

By Shawn M. Carter An attempt to equalize pay has reached the top of many companies' agendas, particularly with high-profile employers like Google addressing workplace parity and diversity. But while these initiatives have gained momentum, the wage gap has closed only slightly. The Institute For Women's Policy [...]

September 28, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|