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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Trump Replaced Janet Yellen With A Less Qualified Man — Yes, That’s Sexist

By Emily Peck Powell, while successful and accomplished, simply does not have the same level of economics credentials or policy experience. Choosing Powell “is insulting to all women,” said Heidi Hartmann, an economist who founded and runs the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. “I’m disappointed [...]

November 8, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

What Actually Happens When Women Run & Win Elections

By Laura Ratliff Of course, before women can win elections and change the government, they need to run. Though women make up a more significant share of national and state lawmakers than ever before — the US Congress includes nearly 15 percent more women than it did [...]

November 7, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

What It’s Like To Fight For Equal Pay When You’re A Latina Construction Worker

By Judith Ohikuare In April, we paused to mark the day when women overall finally earned as much as white men did in 2016. Black women didn't catch up until July, and Native American women's pockets achieved equivalent fullness in September. And this week finally marks Latina Equal Pay Day, which [...]

November 3, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

America’s most powerful woman is losing her job. What that means.

By Jena McGregor For some Fed watchers — and others on social media — the decision to replace Yellen spotlighted a dynamic that female leaders may find familiar. “You have an example of this incredibly, superlatively qualified woman getting replaced by Yellen lite,” said Heidi Hartmann, an economist and president of the [...]

November 3, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Questions arise over departure of first woman to lead Fed

By Catherine Lucey Nearly four years into Janet Yellen's history-making turn as the first woman to lead the Federal Reserve, the economy is growing, the unemployment rate is low and the stock market is setting record highs. President Donald Trump says Yellen is a "spectacular person" [...]

November 3, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|