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William Lutz |

Woman finishes college finals from hospital bed while in labor

By Mandy Valez Thomas did not expect the tweet to go viral, but so far, it has gotten over 93,000 likes and 18,000 retweets. Clearly it hit a nerve: According to a 2014 study from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 26 percent of all college [...]

December 14, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

The gender pay gap doesn’t close – even at the very, very top

by Julia Carpenter The highest paid man made nearly $244 million, according to an analysis by Equilar, an executive and board data provider. The top-paid woman? She made less than $41 million. The wage gap between men and women, which runs throughout the business world, is [...]

December 13, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Counterpoint: The Legislature was wrong to weaken tenure

By Denise Specht Part of the advantage is financial. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research in Washington, D.C., reports that women in labor unions are better paid and more likely to have health insurance and pensions than women who negotiate their own compensation. People in [...]

December 11, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Janet Yellen Didn’t Set Out to Be a Feminist Hero By Amy Chozick Mr. Powell, the incoming chairman, studied closely under Ms. Yellen and is largely expected to continue the economic path she has laid. “They appointed the apprentice instead of the master,” Heidi Hartmann, the president and chief executive of the Institute for [...]

December 11, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

Sexual harassment is learned long before the perpetrators enter the workplace

By Jillian Berman Over the past several years, colleges have been accused of failing to address students’ claims of sexual harassment or violence head on, treating the complaints as public relations problems instead of campus climate issues or ignoring them altogether. That type of approach from colleges can suggest [...]

December 2, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|

David Burkus: Would Work Improve If You Knew What Your Colleagues Get Paid?

By Guy Raz (Host) "Next, information asymmetry, pay secrecy, makes it easier to ignore the discrimination that's already present in the market today. In a 2011 report from the Institute for Women's Policy Research, the gender wage gap between men and women was 23 percent. [...]

December 1, 2017|Categories: Press Hits|