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William Lutz |

Research suggests female CEOs outearn their male peers—but it’s not that simple

By Sarah Berger Among companies in general — not those just limited to the behemoths in the S&P 500 — the CEO wage gap actually favors men. The Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) looked at recent earnings data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and [...]

April 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

National Equal Pay Day won’t make a difference for women of color

BY SUNG YEON CHOIMORROW, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR For example, women once dominated the computer programming sector, but when it shifted to be predominantly men, wages increased. Women and men both pay penalties for working in predominantly female occupations, but in general, men across skill-level and occupation earn higher median [...]

April 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

3 long-term effects the gender pay gap has on women

By Natelegé Whaley Failure to pay women equally limits their ability to attain economic stability. If women were paid the same as men, for instance, the poverty rate among working women would decrease from 8.0% to 3.8%, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. >>Read [...]

April 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

How to Ask Your Coworkers How Much Money They Make

By Kimberly Lawson According to the 1935 National Labor Relations Act, employees who work in the private sector have the right to engage in "concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection." A 2010 survey from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, however, [...]

April 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

5 companies that have closed the gender pay gap

By Abby Haglage Based on current research from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), women earn less than men in nearly every industry, even when doing equivalent work. This “wage gap,” as it’s come to be known, manifests as women bringing home (on average) 78.3 cents [...]

April 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

5 of Modern History’s Most Persistent Myths About the Gender Wage Gap

By Olivia B. Waxman TIME spoke to Ariane Hegewisch, the Program Director Employment & Earnings at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, about some of the most long-standing myths about the wage gap, and why experts say society ought to know better by now. >>Read [...]

April 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|