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William Lutz |

Disabled Women’s Equal Pay Struggles Often Go Unheard — But You Can Help Include Them

By ROBYN POWELL Poverty is even more prevalent in the disability community. Nearly 27 percent of people with disabilities live below the federal poverty level, reports the U.S. Census Bureau. Notably, providing equal pay to women would cut the poverty rate for women in half, says the Institute [...]

April 11, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

In a field of terrible judicial nominees, Wendy Vitter is exceptionally unfit

BY DANA SINGISER, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR If Vitter is confirmed, she would be serving in a state where reproductive health and rights are under constant attack from politicians. Louisiana ranks 46th for reproductive rights and 49th for women’s health and well-being, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy [...]

April 11, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

We Need To Talk About The “Gender Pay Gap” In A More Inclusive Way

By JAMES LOKE HALE According to the nonprofit Institute for Women's Policy Research, the gender wage gap between white cisgender men and white cisgender women was 20 percent in 2016, and based on data trends, it would take until 2051 for those women to reach pay parity with [...]

April 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Equal Pay Day 2018: How to Negotiate at Your First Job

By Marissa Miller Women continue to make an average of 80 cents for every man’s dollar, but research shows everyone wins with gender-based pay parity. The McKinsey Global Institute found that moving towards a more egalitarian workforce could add up to $4.3 trillion in annual GDP by 2025. But at [...]

April 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|