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William Lutz |

‘What’s Your Current Salary?’ ‘None of Your Business!’

By Martha T. Moore Across all occupations, women working full time earn about 82 percent of what men do, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a social science research institute. Barring wage-history questions is one proposal seeking to narrow the gender wage gap. [...]

June 25, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Teens face a gender pay gap, too. Here’s how to help them navigate it.

By Joanna Nesbit Teach girls to ask for a job description. From the beginning, teach girls to ask what their job duties are, says Chandra Childers, senior research scientist for the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Clear job descriptions help girls see when they’re being asked to [...]

June 12, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Reflecting on the 55th Anniversary of the Equal Pay Act & Fighting for Further Equality for Women

By Senator Heidi Heitkamp Even with the strides made over so many decades, on average, North Dakota women still make 74 percent of what men make for the same work — the fifth worst pay gap in the country. According to the Institute for Women's [...]

June 10, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Single mothers who graduate college earn $600,000 more over their lifetimes

By Jillian Berman For every dollar a single mom in college invests in her education, she gets back $16.45 in increased earnings if she earns an associate’s degree and $8.50 if she earns a bachelor’s degree, according to a study published this week by the Institute for [...]

June 8, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Campus Child Care Critical in Raising Single Mothers’ Graduation Rates

By Pearl Stewart Access to campus child care is a key factor in determining if single mothers in college will graduate within six years, according to the latest in a series of reports released Wednesday by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Just 8 percent [...]

June 6, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|