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Press Room

For Media Inquiries or Permission Requests:

William Lutz |

SCOTUS Allows Access to Emergency Abortion Care in Idaho—For Now  

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  June 27, 2024  Contact: William Lutz 202-785-5100  SCOTUS Allows Access to Emergency Abortion Care in Idaho—For Now   Washington, DC — IWPR President and CEO Dr. Jamila K. Taylor issued the following statement after the Supreme Court’s decision prevented Idaho from enforcing its [...]

June 27, 2024|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , |

New IWPR Analysis Shows State Abortion Bans Cost the US Economy $68 Billion Annually

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  June 20, 2024  Contact: William Lutz 202-785-5100  Ahead of the Second Anniversary of the Overturn of Roe v. Wade, New IWPR Analysis Shows State Abortion Bans Cost the US Economy $68 Billion Annually  Washington, DC — The Institute for Women's Policy [...]

Supreme Court Blocks Far Right Effort to Restrict Access to Safe and Common Drug Used for Medication Abortion

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 13, 2024 Contact: William Lutz 202-785-5100 Supreme Court Known for Overturning Roe v. Wade Blocks Far Right Effort to Restrict Access to Safe and Common Drug Used for Medication Abortion Washington, DC—Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) President and CEO [...]

IWPR Announces Major New Grant from Melinda French Gates for Its Economic Equity and Women’s Health Research

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: William Lutz 202-785-5100 May 28, 2024 The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) Announces Major New Grant from Melinda French Gates for Its Economic Equity and Women’s Health Research Washington, DC — The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) today [...]

May 28, 2024|Categories: IWPR, Press Releases|

IWPR Celebrates Release of Title IX Rule

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 19, 2024 Contact: William Lutz 202-785-5100 IWPR Celebrates Release of Title IX Rule Washington, DC — The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) today released the following statement in response to the Biden Administration’s final regulatory action on Title IX: “The [...]

April 23, 2024|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: |