SWS – Political ParticipationAdministrator2021-09-20T00:30:50-05:00

Political  Participation

Shaping their own future

When women participate in the political process, they shape policies in ways that reflect their interests and needs. The Status of Women in the States’ Political Participation Index looks at women as voters, grassroots activists and campaign fundraisers, and officeholders and examines the uneven progress they have made.

Explore the Data

The Political Participation Index measures women’s political participation through four key indicators. Each state is ranked and graded based on their performance on these four measures.

Political Participation Rank and Score by State

Articles and Publications

Ending Sex and Race Discrimination in the Workplace: Legal Interventions That Push the Envelope

This report draws on the IWPR/WAGE Consent Decree Database to analyze the injunctive relief awarded in 502 sex and/or race discrimination settlements that became effective between 2000 and 2008.

By Ariane Hegewisch, Cynthia Deitch and Evelyn Murphy|May 27, 2011|Report|

Watch: Martha Burk discusses equal pay initiative in New Mexico

https://youtu.be/qhl7tvs7zJg Martha Burk (Director, Corporate Accountability Project, National Council of Women's Organizations, and former Senior Policy Adviser for Women's Issues to Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico) discusses her initiative to achieve equal pay in New Mexico's contract compliance program, which is the only program [...]

By IWPR|May 11, 2011|Economic, Security, Mobility, and Equity, Presentation|

Ending Sex and Race Discrimination in the Workplace: Legal Interventions That Push the Envelope (Executive Summary)

This report draws on the IWPR/WAGE Consent Decree Database to analyze the injunctive relief awarded in 502 sex and/or race discrimination settlements that became effective between 2000 and 2008. (Executive Summary)

By Ariane Hegewisch, Cynthia Deitch and Evelyn Murphy|March 27, 2011|Executive Summary|

Organizations Working with Latina Immigrants: Resources and Strategies for Change

DOWNLOAD REPORT IWPR’s study explored the challenges many Latina immigrants face and the ways that nonprofit organizations and congregations strive to address them in three areas with rapidly growing immigrant populations: Atlanta, Georgia; Phoenix, Arizona; and Northern Virginia, a region within the Washington, [...]