By Eric Morath

More than 1,000 economists are calling on the American Economic Association to create its own job-search site in order to address sexism in their field.

The call comes after a recent study found vulgar and misogynist language directed toward women on a website used to find economics jobs. The site, Economics Job Market Rumors, includes job listings, conference announcements and message-board type comments on a range of topics, not all related to economics.

The economists signed a petition, to be released Thursday, that asks the professional association to create its own job-search site and to publicly condemn the treatment of women in anonymous comments on Economics Job Market Rumors.

The signees include Angus Deaton, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, former presidential economic advisers Christina Romer and Laura Tyson, and Harvard economist Carmen Reinhart. They were organized by Institute for Women’s Policy Research president Heidi Hartmann and University of California, Berkeley, economist Michael Reich.

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