Press RoomAdministrator2023-02-27T11:51:10-05:00

Press Room

For Media Inquiries or Permission Requests:

William Lutz |

New Study Shows Brain Drain In States With Abortion Bans

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  February 25, 2025   Media Contacts:   IWPR: Chandler Rollins 202-785-5100  Center for Reproductive Rights:  NEW STUDY SHOWS BRAIN DRAIN IN STATES WITH ABORTION BANS    A critical part of the workforce—young people who want to have families—are leaving states with abortion bans [...]

Statement from Dr. Jamila K. Taylor, IWPR President and CEO, on the passing of Cecile Richards:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 21, 2025 Contact: Chandler Rollins 314-610-0896 Statement from Dr. Jamila K. Taylor, President and CEO of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, on the passing of Cecile Richards: “I am deeply saddened by the passing of Cecile Richards, an absolute giant [...]