By Lily Dancyger

It’s definitely important for researchers to continue to try to understand the many interlocking factors that contribute to imbalances of power – after all, there’s evidence that female bosses make for more engaged, productive employees. But this research must be conducted and published responsibility, and with consideration for the big picture. Otherwise researchers run the risk of providing sexist hiring managers a great excuse to continue to discriminate against women, claiming that we just don’t want the high-profile, high-paying jobs we’ve been fighting for for generations.

Besides, as Ariane Hegewisch, Program Director for Employment & Earnings at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research points out, even if women may be slightly less likely overall than men to want that high-level promotion, doesn’t mean there aren’t still plenty of women out there who do want it.

“There may be a few women who don’t want to step up,” she told Glamour, “but not enough to explain why they’re only 5% of CEOs.”

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