“Women are not getting their fair share of jobs in the latest economic recovery, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research reports. Their analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data for November showed a widening job gap between men and women getting back into the workforce.

While men suffered more severe job losses during the recession — the so-called “mancession”– they are making a stronger comeback. Men have recovered 32% of the total jobs lost between December 2007 and the present; women, on the other hand, have regained only 20% during the same period.

‘After a long march into the labor force during the 20th century, women’s participation in the workplace is now at the lowest it’s been since 1993,’ says Heidi Hartmann, President of IWPR and a labor economist. Just last month, more than 300,000 women dropped out of the workforce.

The share of working women participating in the labor force (reflecting those actually working, as well as those looking for work) reached its peak in 1993 ‘and has been dropping slowly and gently since then,’ Hartmann says. November’s statistics are significant because they reflect a more dramatic decline and take us to a new low, she adds.”

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