Last night, we lost a trailblazer – a fighter and lover of justice and equality for women and all of us. There are few words to describe her contributions and impact on the world and the law. Thankfully, her legacy of recognizing the rights of all people to work, love, and live with the inherent dignity they deserve, free from discrimination, is etched into the history books by the many ground-breaking decisions she wrote for the Court.

From her concurring opinion in Whole Women’s Health to her dissent in Ledbetter v. Goodyear, from her majority opinion in United States v. Virginia to her bold leadership in Obergefell v. Hodges, she fought tirelessly to make our legal system and our nation just, equitable, and inclusive. Justice Ginsburg boldly paved a pathway to gender justice: arguing for access to reproductive healthcare, women’s safety in the workplace, equal opportunity in all spheres of society, and a robust and inclusive democracy, a cornerstone of gender and racial justice.

It cannot be overstated what is at stake for women, families, and our nation in November. As we mourn her passing so too must we fight to continue the legacy of Justice Ginsburg. It is up to each of us to forge a path toward full, unabated representation and for the realization of our rights and liberties.