By Stephanie Ebbert
Trump launched a “Women Who Work” web page and campaign in 2014, linking online sales of her dresses and accessories with a brand celebrating working women. In addition to dresses and style tips, the site offers inspirational interviews and aspirational videos of working women, like Lauren Bush Lauren. The founder of a nonprofit that fights hunger, she is the granddaughter of former president George H. W. Bush and daughter-in-law of fashion designer Ralph Lauren.
“Women who work” is hardly a novel notion, of course. Half of all families with children have a mother who’s a breadwinner — contributing at least 40 percent of the couple’s joint earnings, said Julie Anderson, a senior research associate at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research in Washington, D.C.
The median income for women who work outside the home is $37,752 a year, she noted. Bond surmises that the demographic target for Trump’s book skews richer than that.