I t’s election season here at the golden gateway to the Rockies, and the political talk is all lady parts, all the time.

Day in and day out, a seemingly endless stream of political ads hounds voters with what two men have to say about so-called women’s issues. It’s inescapable; the ads even come up on Google searches and the Words with Friends app. Indeed, it’s such a barrage of rhetoric that one would think abortion, an issue the U.S. Supreme Court decided in 1973, is on the ballot.

Not quite.

Abortion, birth control and “personhood” – another way of saying life begins at conception – are indeed front and center in Colorado’s U.S. Senate race between incumbent Mark Udall, a Democrat, and challenger Cory Gardner, a Republican who gave up his seat in Congress to run.

And, since the abortion debate rarely takes a time out, there’s a ballot measure seeking to change Colorado’s criminal code to allow prosecutors to file homicide charges in cases involving the deaths of pregnant women —  and their unborn children.

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