By Michelle Ma

That isn’t the end of the story, though. The data also shows that negotiation carries a special risk for women. Women who do seek a raise or promotion are more likely to receive feedback that they are “bossy,” “intimidating” or “aggressive,” compared with women who don’t negotiate and men who do. (Male employees are also more likely than women to report that they got a raise without asking, or didn’t ask for one because they were already being well compensated.)

As part of that, the experts say, women must back up their requests with research into pay standards and other information.

“If you come [into a negotiation] with a figure, don’t just say, ‘I want more,’ ” says Ariane Hegewisch, program director for employment and earnings at the nonprofit research organization Institute for Women’s Policy Research. ”Think through good reasons why they should pay you more in terms of what you’ve achieved.”

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