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This is an unprecedented moment in the nation’s history—one that will define us for generations to come. The coming together of a global pandemic and economic crisis has revealed the fragility of our economy and health care system and the burden carried by women in society where both racism and sexism are deeply entrenched and embedded in most, if not all our institutions, systems, and structures.

  • It will take over 135 years to close the gender gap globally.
  • In the United States, the gender pay gap has closed only by 8 cents over the last few decades.
  • Women make up just over a quarter of all members of Congress, a percentage far below their share of the U.S. population.
  • Just about 6 percent of S&P 500 CEOs are women.
  • Women lose up to $1 million in earnings over a lifetime to workplace sexual harassment and discrimination.
  • Only 2.3 percent of venture funding went to women-led startups in 2020.
  • About 12 percent of venture capital firms and angel groups in the U.S. had women in decision-making roles, as of August 2019.

It’s time to accelerate change and move the needle on women’s progress and equality in the U.S. and globally. Join IWPR and its partners at the 2022 Power+ Summit to help Make Equal Happen.

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