The Real Cost of Unequal Pay for Latinas
By Lola Méndez Dannie Fountain, who has been an account [...]
By Lola Méndez Dannie Fountain, who has been an account [...]
The United States is in the midst of a crushing economic recession, COVID-19 infection rates are spiking, and thousands of schools and childcare facilities have yet to reopen in-person classrooms. The group bearing the brunt of this torrent of bad news? Women.
We are constantly being inundated with political ads and told about the important issues. But with all the noise, it can be difficult to understand what is truly at stake. So, what’s really at stake for all of us this November? Here are just a few things.
The pay gap between working women and men is one of the highest ranking concerns for women. It’s increasingly a priority for men—because when one earner in a family brings in less than she should, the family suffers overall.
BY ELIANA DOCKTERMAN When women leave work—even for just a year, [...]
Online education tools, mental health care and more: a collection of views and news from our special report.
When women drop out of the workforce, it’s not just their families that are put at a disadvantage, but the overall U.S. economy.
By Business Casual By the end of April of this [...]
As virtual schooling ramps up in some areas, women are being forced to make the choice between caring for their children or prioritizing their own career.
By ANDREA HSU Youli Lee is proud of the years [...]