
IWPR Experts Available to Comment on Economic Impact of Family-Friendly Workplace Policies

Today, three leading experts on work family policies from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) are attending the White House Summit on Working Families. The Summit will bring together business leaders, policymakers, researchers, and advocates to discuss policy solutions aimed at expanding economic opportunity for working women and families.

By IWPR|2014-06-23T00:00:00-05:00June 23, 2014|Press Releases|Comments Off on IWPR Experts Available to Comment on Economic Impact of Family-Friendly Workplace Policies

Men Still 699,000 Jobs Short of Employment Recovery; Strong Job Gains in May for Men and Women in Female-Dominated Industries

According to an Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the June employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), although the total number of jobs lost in the recession has been recovered (138,463,000 jobs in May 2014 vs. 138,350,000 jobs in December 2007, when the recession began), men are still short 699,000 from their prerecession peak. Women regained their peak in August 2013. In May, women gained 86,000 jobs on nonfarm payrolls, while men gained 131,000 for an increase of 217,000 total jobs in May. In the past year, men have gained more than half the new jobs added (53 percent vs. 47 percent for women).

By IWPR|2014-06-06T00:00:00-05:00June 6, 2014|Press Releases|Comments Off on Men Still 699,000 Jobs Short of Employment Recovery; Strong Job Gains in May for Men and Women in Female-Dominated Industries