Roberta Spalter-Roth, Ph.D.

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So far Roberta Spalter-Roth has created 42 blog entries.

Restructuring Work: How Have Women and Minority Managers Fared?

Have the employment opportunities of women and minorities been negatively impacted as a result of corporate and industrial restructuring?

By Lois ShawHeidi HartmannRoberta Spalter-Roth and Dell Champlin|2021-01-07T00:50:22-05:00January 1, 1995|IWPR|Comments Off on Restructuring Work: How Have Women and Minority Managers Fared?

Micro-Enterprise Catalysts and Barriers: Voices of Low-Income and Poor Women

Supporters of micro-enterprise argue that self-employment is a strategy that can improve the economic well being of low-income families and promote economic development in poverty-stricken urban communities.

By Roberta Spalter-RothEnrique Soto and Lily Zandniapour|2020-12-28T01:33:35-05:00October 1, 1994|IWPR|Comments Off on Micro-Enterprise Catalysts and Barriers: Voices of Low-Income and Poor Women

The Clinton Round: An Analysis of the Impact of Current Proposals to “Free” Single Mothers from Welfare Dependence

Since its beginnings, there has been heated public debate about whether AFDC should be a relatively ungenerous stop-gap program, or an anti-poverty program specifically designed to meet the needs of families headed by single women.

By Heidi Hartmann and Roberta Spalter-Roth|2020-11-15T17:27:56-05:00August 8, 1994|IWPR|Comments Off on The Clinton Round: An Analysis of the Impact of Current Proposals to “Free” Single Mothers from Welfare Dependence

Income Insecurity: The Failure of Unemployment Insurance to Reach Out to Working AFDC Mothers

DOWNLOAD REPORT Unemployment Insurance (UI) was [...]

By Roberta Spalter-RothHeidi Hartmann and Beverly Burr|2020-11-11T21:32:25-05:00March 20, 1994|IWPR|Comments Off on Income Insecurity: The Failure of Unemployment Insurance to Reach Out to Working AFDC Mothers

A Feminist Approach to Policy Making for Women and Families

As women have dramatically increased their labor force participation over the past several decades, the organization of family life in the United States has also been transformed.

By Heidi Hartmann and Roberta Spalter-Roth|2020-11-13T21:05:06-05:00March 10, 1994|IWPR|Comments Off on A Feminist Approach to Policy Making for Women and Families

AFDC Recipients as Caregivers and Workers: A Feminist Approach to Income Security Policy for Women

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was established in 1935 as a means-tested public assistance program to provide cash payments to impoverished families with minor children headed by a caretaker relative, usually a widowed mother deprived of support from a wage-earning father (Peterson and Petersen, 1993)

By Roberta Spalter-Roth and Heidi Hartmann|2020-11-13T20:37:29-05:00January 24, 1994|IWPR|Comments Off on AFDC Recipients as Caregivers and Workers: A Feminist Approach to Income Security Policy for Women

The Impact of the Glass Ceiling and Structural Change on Minorities and Women

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the need for corporate restructuring to compete in the new global marketplace was a much discussed topic.

By Lois ShawDell ChamplinHeidi Hartmann and Roberta Spalter-Roth|2021-01-07T01:55:18-05:00December 15, 1993|IWPR|Comments Off on The Impact of the Glass Ceiling and Structural Change on Minorities and Women

Dependence on Men, the Market, or the State: The Rhetoric and Reality of Welfare Reform

Much of the rhetoric surrounding the passage of "welfare reform" legislation during the 1980s, as well as the campaign promises of the current administration "to end welfare as we know it," negatively characterize income obtains from Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).

By Roberta Spalter-Roth and Heidi Hartmann|2020-12-27T20:19:12-05:00November 1, 1993|IWPR|Comments Off on Dependence on Men, the Market, or the State: The Rhetoric and Reality of Welfare Reform