Nancy Collins

About Nancy Collins

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So far Nancy Collins has created 3 blog entries.

Child Rearing and Employment Turnover: Child Care Availability Increases Mother’s Job Stability

Summarizes research by sociologists Sandra Hofferth and Nancy Collins showing that the availability of convenient, affordable, center-based child care significantly increases mother’s tenure on the job.

By Nancy Collins and Sandra Hofferth|2020-12-14T02:57:05-05:00March 10, 1997|IWPR|Comments Off on Child Rearing and Employment Turnover: Child Care Availability Increases Mother’s Job Stability

Mothers, Children, and Low-Wage Work: The Ability to Earn a Family Wage

The most frequently mentioned cause of the feminization of poverty is the change in family structure-thee increase in divorce, nonmarital births, and independent households established by women (McLanahan et al. 1989; Pearce 1989).

By Roberta Spalter-RothHeidi Hartmann and Nancy Collins|2020-11-14T00:56:26-05:00August 1, 1989|IWPR|Comments Off on Mothers, Children, and Low-Wage Work: The Ability to Earn a Family Wage