Jill Braunstein

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So far Jill Braunstein has created 5 blog entries.

What the United States Can Learn From France: A Summary of an Important New Book on Child Poverty

This Research-In-Brief summarizes an important new book by Barbara R. Bergmann, professor of economics at American University and an affiliated member of the IWPR Information Network. Published by the Russell Sage Foundation in 1996, “Saving Our Children From Poverty: What the United States Can Learn From France” draws important lessons for the United States from the French experience with policies that aid families with children.

By Jodi Burns, Jill Braunstein and Barbara Bergmann|2020-11-23T02:11:01-05:00March 1, 1997|IWPR|Comments Off on What the United States Can Learn From France: A Summary of an Important New Book on Child Poverty

Few Welfare Moms Fit the Stereotypes

In contrast to stereotypes of pathological dependency on public assistance, single mothers participating in the AFDC program actually “package” income from several different sources, including paid employment, means- and non-means tested welfare benefits, and income from other family members, to provide for themselves and their children. These patterns are described in a new Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) study, “Welfare that Works,” based on a nationally-representative sample of single welfare mothers generated from the US Bureau of the Census’ Survey of Income and Program Participation.

By Jill Braunstein|2020-12-14T03:28:55-05:00August 1, 1994|IWPR|Comments Off on Few Welfare Moms Fit the Stereotypes

Micro-enterprise and women: The Viability of Self-Employment as a Strategy for Alleviating Poverty

Supporters of micro-enterprise argue that self-employment is a strategy that can improve the economic well-being of low-income families and promote economic development in poverty stricken urban areas.

By Enrique Soto, Jill Braunstein and Lily Zandniapour|2020-11-22T22:52:38-05:00June 1, 1994|IWPR|Comments Off on Micro-enterprise and women: The Viability of Self-Employment as a Strategy for Alleviating Poverty