Elizabeth Noll, Ph.D.

About Elizabeth Noll

Elizabeth Noll, Ph.D., was a Senior Research Scientist at IWPR. Elizabeth worked primarily on IWPR’s Student Parent Success Initiative where she conducted policy research related to the needs and experiences of student parents with a focus on increasing postsecondary education access and persistence for low-income mothers. Projects included a national and state-level trend analysis of student parent college enrollment and the availability of on-campus child care, a regional profile of student parents, and a report outlining strategies for supporting student parents in community college.

Elizabeth has extensive experience in the management, linkage, and analysis of administrative data for use in public policy evaluation. Prior to joining IWPR, she worked as a data analyst at the University of Pennsylvania examining state and local public sector mental health services, and was the lead analyst in a NIMH-funded randomized intervention examining the impact of performance-based incentives on academic performance of low-income public school students. In addition to her work with secondary data, Elizabeth used qualitative methods to study the impact of privatization of public services on the economic opportunities of low-income women in college, the emergence of new administrative practices and data systems, and the political and social construction of evidence.

Elizabeth received both her B.A. and M.A. degrees in Sociology from Temple University and a Ph.D. in Social Welfare from the University of Pennsylvania.

The Family-Friendly Campus Imperative: Supporting Success Among Community College Students with Children

This paper presents a portrait of the community college student parent population, their unique needs, and discusses the role that child care plays in their educational success.

By Barbara GaultElizabeth Noll and Lindsey Reichlin Cruse|2020-10-30T16:21:19-05:00March 20, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on The Family-Friendly Campus Imperative: Supporting Success Among Community College Students with Children

Child Care for Parents in College: A State-by-State Assessment

Child care is a crucial support for the 4.8 million parents in college, but it is difficult for students to find and afford.

By Eleanor EckersonLindsey Reichlin CruseMary SykesElizabeth NollBarbara Gault and Lauren Talbourdet|2020-12-31T00:28:41-05:00September 1, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Child Care for Parents in College: A State-by-State Assessment