Dell Champlin

About Dell Champlin

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So far Dell Champlin has created 2 blog entries.

Restructuring Work: How Have Women and Minority Managers Fared?

Have the employment opportunities of women and minorities been negatively impacted as a result of corporate and industrial restructuring?

By Lois ShawHeidi HartmannRoberta Spalter-Roth and Dell Champlin|2021-01-07T00:50:22-05:00January 1, 1995|IWPR|Comments Off on Restructuring Work: How Have Women and Minority Managers Fared?

The Impact of the Glass Ceiling and Structural Change on Minorities and Women

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the need for corporate restructuring to compete in the new global marketplace was a much discussed topic.

By Lois ShawDell ChamplinHeidi Hartmann and Roberta Spalter-Roth|2021-01-07T01:55:18-05:00December 15, 1993|IWPR|Comments Off on The Impact of the Glass Ceiling and Structural Change on Minorities and Women