Today legislators may get more clarity on the dollars and cents, as the Council holds the second of three hearings on the bill introduced in October by Council members David Grosso (I-At Large) and Elissa Silverman (I-At Large). As written, the bill would require employers to pay a per-employee tax, with the proceeds being deposited in a fund that would pay out benefits when leave is taken.

Both the D.C. Chief Financial Officer and Council Budget Office are expected to lay out the costs of the bill — the CFO as early as today, and the Budget Office at some point this month — but one report published this week is already setting a price range for different paid-leave programs: from $30.8 million to $150.9 million per year.

The report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research was paid for through a $98,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, and explores five different paid-leave models that D.C. could consider. (It was finished in November, but only published on Tuesday.)

Currently, the report estimates that D.C. workers take 72,127 paid and medical leaves per year, worth $538.5 million in time taken. The overwhelming majority of that — $415.2 million — is unpaid.

Under any paid-leave scenario, leave requests would increase between 2,000 and 4,000 per year.