The Center for the Economics of Reproductive Health
The Center for the Economics of Reproductive Health at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) seeks to advance public understanding and awareness of the link between access to reproductive health care services for women and their long-term economic security and well-being. We conduct original research and policy analysis at the intersections of race, ethnicity, class, and reproductive health to improve economic outcomes, and educational and employment opportunities for all women.

New Study Shows Brain Drain In States With Abortion Bans
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 25, 2025 Media Contacts: IWPR: Chandler Rollins 202-785-5100 Center for Reproductive Rights: NEW STUDY SHOWS BRAIN DRAIN IN STATES WITH ABORTION BANS A critical part of the workforce—young people who want to have families—are leaving states with abortion bans [...]
Connect for Success Initiative: Expanding Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Supports for Community College Students
Connect for Success Initiative: Expanding Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Supports for Community College Students About the Grantmaking Program The purpose of the Connect for Success grantmaking program is to engage with existing community college sexual and reproductive health programs [...]