Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

#38PercentCounts calls attention to pay gap between black women and white men

By Natelegé Whaley All told, the pay gap means black women earn an average of $870,000 less over the course of their careers — a tremendous long-term impact, especially for black women with families. More [...]

August 7, 2018|

Despite Progress, Black Women Are Paid Only 62.5% of What Men Make. Here’s How to Fix That

By Areva Martin According to “The Status of Black Women in the United States,” Black women have been turning out for elections and voting at unprecedented rates; they’ve also made significant strides in earning undergraduate [...]

August 6, 2018|

Single Moms with College Degrees Less Likely to Experience Poverty

By Tiffany Pennamon A new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) this week adds to the institute’s ongoing research on the “life-changing” impact of earning a postsecondary degree for single mothers. IWPR’s findings show [...]

August 1, 2018|

Women entrepreneurs are more likely to use their own credit and home equity loans

By Elisabeth Buchwald Women who try to launch their own businesses are at a significant disadvantage compared to men, according to a report published this month by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. The report found: Men [...]

July 31, 2018|