Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Intimate partner violence plays major role in mass shooting at hospital

By Casey Quinlan The death of O’Neal, a Black woman, is also part of a disturbing prevalence of intimate partner violence against Black women in the United States. According tothe Institute for Women’s Policy Research, more [...]

November 20, 2018|

Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Appointment Could Mean the Return of Bigoted Abortion Bans

By Amanda Lamm That’s because Indiana too often chooses to invest its resources in promoting an anti-abortionagenda, rather than in the programs and services that would allow all Hoosiers and families to thrive. Poverty is on the rise in many major [...]

November 16, 2018|

Influential Panel: Health-Care Providers Need to Screen for Domestic Violence

by Nicole Knight But before #MeToo, intimate partner violence (IPV) was a deadly undercurrent for millions of women and men. About one in four women and one in ten men will experience a form of partner [...]

November 16, 2018|

How This Latina Founder Is Negotiating A Vegan Rebellion In Meat-Loving Texas

By Tanya Tarr Mariposa's experience and advice couldn't be more relevant on Equal Pay Day for Latinas. On average, Latinas make $0.54 for every $1 that her white male counterpart made in 2017, represented in time by the [...]

November 1, 2018|