Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

The journey toward the Equal Rights Amendment began decades ago, but activists say the finish line is in sight

By Jessica Ravitz, CNN But ERA proponents are quick to point out that these protections A. don't necessarily live up to their promise and B. are not ironclad. For example, the Violence Against Women Act was left [...]

March 8, 2019|

International Women’s Day 2019: The sorry state of women in America’s workplaces

AIMEE PICCHI By some calculations, the pay gap is even deeper. A broader analysis last year from the Institute for Women's Policy Research found that women earn just 50 cents for every $1 men earn, once part-time [...]

March 8, 2019|

Some industries are still overwhelmingly male-dominated. Here’s how women can get in

By Julia Carpenter Trucking, after all, is grueling work: long shifts, night hours and lots of solitary work. It's also a traditionally male-dominated industry — according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, less than 5% [...]

March 8, 2019|