Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Colleges Could Do More To Help Student Parents Pay For Child Care, Watchdog Says

By @ElissaNadworny "When you're a parent, you're spending hours upon hours each day providing care to your kids," says Lindsey Reichlin Cruse, who studies student parents at the Institute for Women's Policy Research. "When you [...]

September 12, 2019|

Chick magnate? Hasbro debuts ‘Ms. Monopoly’ game, where women run the show

By Alyssa Newcomb It gets even more dire. While the Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research forecasts that pay parity won’t be reached in the United States until 2059, nearly 100 [...]

September 10, 2019|

(Opinion) Trump’s Title X rule defunding Planned Parenthood yet another blow to low-income women

By Michelle Chen The evidence bears out women's choices; the long-term effects of abortion restrictions could be economically devastating for low income women. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, in the decades following Roe, abortion [...]

August 23, 2019|

Women are mysteriously missing from D.C. think tanks’ foreign policy panels. Here’s the data.

By Federiga Bindi and Mimosa Giamanco August 23 at 5:00 AM Throughout academia, including in political science, women haven’t achieved parity with men. As this series explores, implicit bias holds women back at every stage, from the [...]

August 23, 2019|