Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

The Economic Devastation Of COVID-19 Is Hitting Women Particularly Hard

Women, especially Black women, are losing the majority of jobs in the coronavirus downturn. This is unprecedented. By Emily Peck Why Women? The slowdown in 2008 was a “production recession,” explained C. Nicole Mason, president and [...]

April 10, 2020|

Early coronavirus job losses hitting minorities, women, teens particularly hard

By Chris Isidore Many segments where women make up a majority of workers have already seen job losses. While hospitals aren't cutting staff, for example, some 40,000 jobs have been lost in the offices of [...]

April 4, 2020|

The Economic Crash Is Going to Be Particularly Awful for Women and People of Color

By KARA VOGHT The same groups that never recovered from the last recession are facing a new nightmare. Beyond wages, the wealth of those populations also took a tremendous hit during the Great Recession. Both [...]

April 3, 2020|

Coronavirus a ‘wake-up call’ on equal pay and domestic violence, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg says

By Max Zahn with Andy Serwer Domestic violence, an issue that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says affects one in four women over their lifetimes, has become an even more pressing concern as stay-at-home orders force hundreds of [...]

April 2, 2020|