Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

14% of women considered quitting their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic

BY EMMA HINCHLIFFE Women leaving the workforce under the pressures of a global crisis could have long-term consequences. The 80-cents-on-the-dollar gender pay gap increases for working mothers, and lost earnings during a limited period compound over time. [...]

April 23, 2020|

The Heartbreaking Choices Faced by Child Care Providers on the Front Lines

They were already holding up the economy while operating on razor-thin margins. Now, they are taking care of the children of essential workers as costs and obstacles mount. By Bryce Covert While many states have mandated [...]

April 23, 2020|

Coronavirus could hurt women the most. Here’s how to prevent a patriarchal pandemic.

Because women do the bulk of unpaid domestic and care work, they are also particularly hard hit by public health crises and pandemics. And this one is no different. By Soraya Chemaly Despite moves toward [...]

April 20, 2020|