Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Five myths about the gender pay gap

A  Pew report released in December seemed to bring good news: The pay gap is narrowing, and millennial women are nearly at parity with millennial men. Pew calculated that the median hourly wage for women [...]

July 30, 2014|

Sick? Now you can stay home.

Only about a quarter of food workers nationwide have paid sick leave, according to an analysis by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research . So it’s perhaps not surprising that multiple surveys have found that [...]

July 30, 2014|

Think Tank Awards 2014: The results

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research, headed by Heidi Hartmann, a MacArthur fellow and economist, continues to impress with its analysis of women’s pay, participation in the labour force, and social issues such as domestic [...]

July 25, 2014|