Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

The world is getting better at paid maternity leave. The U.S. is not.

By Melissa Etehad and Jeremy C.F. Lin Roger-Mark De Souza, who leads programs on reproductive and maternal health at the Woodrow Wilson Center, a Washington-based think tank, says part of the reason for Europe’s history of [...]

September 13, 2016|

To Narrow Wage Gap, Congress Might Ban Employers From Asking for Salary History

By Christina Cauterucci This new congressional bill could be particularly important for women of color, whose average  adjusted-for-inflation earnings declined between 2004 and 2014, according to a new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. [...]

September 13, 2016|