Beth Grupp
Beth Grupp has been raising money and serving as an organizational expert for over three decades. She founded Beth Grupp Associates in 1996 and works nationally and internationally providing best-in-class expertise on growing bottom-line revenue and increasing organizational effectiveness. Beth is recognized as an innovative leader in fundraising strategy, organizational capacity building, and board development.
Before opening her own firm, Beth was the Finance Director for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) in both his 1988 and 1994 races and some of the programs she has run have broken national records. She went on to work in the races of Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), John Kerry (D-MA), and Ron Wyden (D-ORE), among others.
Her clients range from those with portfolios of $100 million to portfolios of $100,000. Beth has a particular commitment to encouraging others to becoming more adept at fundraising skills through training and executive coaching. Over the years she has trained hundreds of people at all levels of skill and experience.
Beth was educated at Cornell University in New York where she received a B.A. in an independent major entitled “The Use and Abuse of Power.” She is also the recipient of the 1984 Cornell Peace Studies Award.
Beth was raised in New York City and has lived in Washington, D.C. since 1985.