SWS – Political ParticipationAdministrator2021-09-20T00:30:50-05:00

Political  Participation

Shaping their own future

When women participate in the political process, they shape policies in ways that reflect their interests and needs. The Status of Women in the States’ Political Participation Index looks at women as voters, grassroots activists and campaign fundraisers, and officeholders and examines the uneven progress they have made.

Explore the Data

The Political Participation Index measures women’s political participation through four key indicators. Each state is ranked and graded based on their performance on these four measures.

Political Participation Rank and Score by State

Articles and Publications

Forecasting Pay Equity: Women Are Expected to Wait Over 50 Years to Reach Parity with Men

If progress continues at the same rate as it has since 2000, it will take more than four decades—until 2066— for women working full-time year-round to reach pay equity with men and even longer—until 2088—to reach pay equity between all working women and men. [...]

National Gender Wage Gap Widens Significantly in 2023 for the First Time in 20 Years!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—UPDATED  September 12, 2024  Contact: William Lutz 202-785-5100  Gender Wage Gap Widens Significantly in 2023 for the First Time in 20 Years, With Women Workers Making Just 82.7 Cents on the Dollar Compared to Men, down from 84 Cents in 2022  At [...]

By William Lutz|September 10, 2024|Equitable Work and Wages, Publications|

Women Servers Earn Significantly Less than Their Male Counterparts

In 2023, 2.2 million people worked as servers in the United States, of which almost two-thirds were women. Additionally, most workers earning a tipped minimum wage were employed in the restaurant industry. This quick figure explores disparities among servers across gender, race, and ethnicity. [...]

The Economic Impacts of Reproductive Restrictions in Florida

Restrictions on reproductive health, like the gestational abortion ban implemented in Florida, have devastating and far-reaching impacts on the health and well-being of women. Furthermore, reproductive restrictions create barriers to women’s pursuit of education and their participation in the labor force, therefore inflicting adverse [...]